Friday, October 30, 2009

i am a fish. The air is water-- perfectly adjusted fish tank temperature. I take big gulps as i walk upstream.

Leah Oct 19
We take a moment of silence to all compose text poems at my meeting. The ring tones symphony.

Leah Oct. 19
it all looks faux finished this year. Someone hand dyed paper leaf cutouts and placed them on the sidewalks.

Leah Oct 30 5:29 pm
I've seen his face three times today, but as we walk towards each other, i remember that he is in nebraska.

Leah Oct 30, 5:28 pm
This man fro the army corps of friendly passengers engineered conversation while offering a swollen arm in turbulent heights. He was west coast country, saved his empty coffee cup to refill with moist black tar. Seeing together the world through rounded windows, we traveled beyond the traytables. We were offroading, if you know what I mean.

Sylva Sep 4, 12:41 pm
The tangerine moon swings from the sycamore sky, bobbing behind mountains and dipping low onto the pale salt flats, gliding down as smooth as tequila, until I can see nothing but red tail lights and the dazzling piles of crystal reflecting the Morton salt factory lights. Aspiring mountains, they wait- like me- to be boxed in cardboard and sent out into the world.

Sylva Sep 6, 8:56 pm
Once my teapot grew slime mold. It formed mounds viscous and low, like squid tentacle. Tehy clung to the steel with the force of a swaddling dove.

Sylva Sep 10, 11:25 pm
My neurons tickle and itch at electric rates. If only my hands would too.

Jonathan Sep 11, 2:24 pm
The unrefined spirituality of poetry completes me. It's the answer for which I've been stumbling.

Siena Sep 24, 10:11 pm
we may trade stuffed animals for cell phones, but we still don't like to sleep alone.

Sylva Sep 25th, 1:39 am
Instead of listening to my ipod, i fantasized about shoving him up against a neogothic faux stone wall, licking his face and then walking away.

Siena Sep 27, 9:12 am
exit wound sounds melodramatic but it's honest. I'm talking about towes, not hearts. And I may as well not bring up the herd of buffalo at sunset, if to avoid additional height in your eyebrows.

Sylva Oct 2, 9:41 pm


the dreamer awakes three hours after his body.

Jonathan Oct. 4, 10:28 am
I can smell that it's snowing in Boston.

Sylva Oct 16, 9:10 pm
Boars are known to gut their hunters with tusks as long and sharp as the fear of fire.

Lauren Oct 19, 8:58 pm
Plastic bottles leach toxins in the dishwasher. My mind threatens to dissolve in the shower.

written by Lauren Oct 19, 9:02 pm
The sign on the salon said: Be a tree and change your color. That's when I realized: Leah- my daughter, the tree.

written by Glenda Oct 20, 1:14 pm
Brown paper soaked through- the smell of rot reminds me where dirt comes from.

written by Adam Oct 23, 4:34 pm
I could tell she needed a mother right now, but my only maternal instincts involved embarassing comments in front of schoolmates and forcefeeding vegetables.

written by Sylva Oct. 27 10:37 am
Anxiety rises up like a peach regurgitating it's core. I'm made of dry lips and cumbersome goodbyes.

written by Jonathan Aug 26, 6:38 pm
i sit in sunshine with the sounds of church bells and an ice cream truck. Such sweetness.

written by Grace Aug 23, 4:06 pm
Ninja pit
passion hit,
chopchopchop. Beat down and packed up. Heeaay-ah!

written by Jonathan Aug 22, 10:05 am
My stomach rumbles. I walk to the refrigerator. The fridges tummy rumbles back...time to go out and get some food!

written by Bobby Aug 16, 6:55 pm
Today is the last day of my leisure. I promise i will never make art again.

written by: Jonathan Aug 13, 5:25 pm
Radio ads poison my ears as i ride the 640 bus. In my head, a lesson plan reverberates. 8 more days.

Written by Grace July 7th 7:48 am
my backpack has become a mortuary for gum wrappers. I am a teacher with no time to brush my teeth.

written by Grace July 6th, 7:58 pm